proudly presents
proudly presents
The Mother of All Frameworks
A life-changing 4-month immersion
that promises to unleash the transformative force in you.
You can be a CEO or a stay-at-home mom,
a mid-lifer or just out of college,
in a dead-end or wanting to transcend,
a tech star, sales star, or waiting for a shooting star,
Ignite’s iconic 4-month immersion will gift you
the life-long capacity and operating system (O/S)
for living your deepest truth and so fulfilling
your greatest promise and highest potential.
That’s why it’s The Mother of all Frameworks.
More Igniters, More Quotes!
Ignite is your Operating System (O/S) for Greatness —
to fulfill your highest potential, individually, as
teams, as an organization.
Live your deepest truth and so fulfill your greatest promise.
All Ignite is based on this simple truth, and we bring it to fullest life in everyone
we touch, individuals and organizations alike, through our Ignite Operating System.
Second, that my singular Genius bears the
thumbprint of Who I Am and Why I am Here.
Genius points to Purpose, Purpose to Genius.
Third, that I can only give out of what I have
been given. And what I have been given,
I must give and live for others.
Genius finds its fullness in Service —
a Purpose bigger than self.
Fourth, that if I am honest and brave, my Genius
and Purpose will find their manifest call in a
shared Mission — with others, for others.
A Mission rooted in finding that particular slice of
humanity whose particular pains I am particularly
gifted (and compelled!) to heal.
Fifth, that shared Mission leads
naturally to Collaboration.
Shared Mission demands Shared
Genius: mine, yours, ours.
We Ignite, therefore, not just for self,
but for each other.
Because what we are born to do, we are born
to do with others and for others.
We need each other’s Genius. And far beyond
Genius, we need each other to be on this journey, to fulfill this necessary
progression from a sense of our own individual Genius, Purpose, and
Service (GPS) toward shared Mission and Collaboration, and
ultimately, to Innovation and Impact.
This is the path of transcendence.
This is how we lift each other to heights we never in
our wildest dreams, or loftiest ambitions dared.
Upon completing Ignite Master Course 101, you will be able to:
Live your deeper and deeper truth so as to fulfill your higher and higher potential.
Continuously discern your meaning and purpose (what we call GPS, or Genius, Purpose and Service) and continuously apply your GPS to your personal and professional life.
Find a focal point for your innovation and impact, and make these a personal passion and commitment – your mission.
Understand how your personal mission intersects with your organization (or circles), and develop a roadmap to maximize innovation and impact for you, your team, or your organization.
Come into the Ignite community, meet some of Manila’s most brilliant minds, restless hearts and authentic spirits, and find opportunities for collaboration, innovation and impact.
Acquire a Life Operating System (Life O/S) to be able to live all of the above daily.
Upon completing Ignite Master Course 101, your people will be able to:
Unleash your organization’s greatest promise and highest potential – by unleashing their Genius, Purpose and Service (GPS) and channeling them towards your organization’s mission and greatest opportunities for innovation.
Humanize your workplace, marked by people who care deeply, They will find your organization’s focal points for innovation and impact, and lead colleagues to converge into execution teams marked by personal passion and commitment.
Build and nurture a powerful environment for lifelong learning, and thus, for continuous innovation fueled by Compassion.
Expand and accelerate diversity so essential to innovation – by coming into the Ignite community and meeting Manila’s most brilliant minds, restless hearts and authentic spirits, and finding mutual opportunities for collaboration, innovation and impact.
Institutionalize an Operating System (O/S) for Greatness – for individuals, teams and your organization.
Course Outline
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
From Genius to Purpose
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Packing for Others
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Ignite GPS 2.0:
Recalculating Coordinates
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Date: TBA
Self-driven via Digital App
A conversation with Ignite House founder
Andre Yap
Because as many of our leaders and organizations that are finally waking up to the need for innovation, too many are focused on an echo chamber of Hows (e.g., digital transformations, design thinking, tech du jour, venture capital, etc.). As if we have the same ingredients that fuel Silicon Valley.
At the same time, we have a glaring lack of interest in fundamentals. Nobody talks about the Who and the Why of Innovation – people with a deep sense of mission and purpose – and this has been our greatest failure in our Filipino pursuit of innovation. It is particularly tragic in Manila, the world’s second-most populous metro area, where every day we wake to a lab full of the world’s most wicked problems, and thus to a universe of potential innovations. But do we care enough to fix them?
When people genuinely care – when we truly, deeply, madly care about problems, then our Compassion becomes the true fuel of Innovation. Nothing will stop us. Conversely, without mission and purpose, no amount of tech, venture capital or design thinking will sustain the kinds of innovations needed to capitalize on the wealth of opportunities around us.
Can we nurture a vision of the Philippines as a new kind of global hub for innovation? Can we see the glass as half full? Silicon Valley doesn’t have the wicked problems we have in abundance and that’s a good thing as far as our potential for innovation. But we cannot just me-too innovation in the PH; we must find our own way.
Over the past 26 months, Ignite House has proven this case for Innovation via Compassion in organizations as diverse as startups and publicly listed companies. We’ve engineered an entire platform, basically to enable and empower Filipino professionals by the millions to care deeply about the problems all around us and to do something about it; we’ve continuously refined our methods across thousands of beta Igniters, in the process spawning more than PHP 200 million in innovation investments and joint ventures. To be clear: we are not merely pundits, gurus, or community organizers; we have put our money where our mouth is as venture investors.
Very critically in the PH, where we have a disproportionate concentration of wealth, we have paved an actionable roadmap for big business to play a leading role in innovation. That bears repeating: big business playing a leading role in innovation – that’s counter-intuitive and presents its own set of challenges and improbabilities! In this regard, our Ignite Delta Partnership (IDP) remains the bell-weather for deep corporate innovation via people and organizational transformation.
At the same time, because the IDP demands significant investment of human, strategic and financial capital that only our biggest Filipino organizations can afford, we must find other ways to scale and more equitably distribute Ignite’s impact.
Therefore, we are opening the National Innovators Institute (Ni3) as the world’s first and only learning environment dedicated to the pursuit of meaning in the pursuit of innovation. In Ni2, as in all Ignite, we focus not just on the Hows of Innovation, but above all on the Why of Innovation. That’s how we win the all-important Who of Innovation: people ignited with purpose.
Our flagship program is the 101 Mother of All Frameworks, an iconic 4-month immersion that starts you on a deeply personal discernment of GPS (Genius, Purpose, Service); then navigates you onto shared Mission and Collaboration, with others, for others; then brings you to your greatest potential for Innovation and Impact, driving you to continuously transcend your life’s meaning (and thus your limits).
We’ve R&D’ed a mix of high-touch immersions and iconic experiences coupled with digital apps, data science, and algorithms to make manifest in your daily life that most powerful force within you that you always thought unclear, elusive, unknowable.
Therefore, if methodically awoken, innovation is a repeatable, scalable, and sustainable capability that every organization can bring to life in the workforce. This is the mission of the Institute, and indeed, of all Ignite. We are building an army of innovators who are madly in love with the problems all around us, who will not be stopped in the pursuit of solutions that can be scaled and sustained – as businesses that create shareholder value, not as philanthropy or charity. This is our vision for a better Philippines and a better world, fueled by innovation fueled by compassion fueled by business.
We didn't skip a beat. Started 2024 the way we ended 2023: full throttle on our investment mandate to find and fund 30 of the country’s most ignited founders.
Q4 2023 saw us pull the trigger on 5 iconic investments and we’re on track to exceed that in 1H 2024 (more on this later, including our 3 key investment criteria and how we’ve expanded our venture capital focus to include steady ships, besides the usual rocket ships).
In January we broke all records with our biggest Ignite ever. Partnering with Ateneo’s DOST-backed Blue Nest Technology Business Incubator and the Ateneo Intellectual Property Office, we gathered some of Manila’s most badass founders, investors, and CEOs, along with our most promising young professionals and student leaders. For 5+ hours on a chill January afternoon, we ignited on the common ground of Peak Performance and Peak Living in 2024.
More Than VC
Our January highlight was the launch of 5VC FITNESS, a hybrid app, online and face-to-face platform for individuals, teams, and organizations to methodically and measurably grow their 5 Cycles of Virtuous Capital in 3-month sprints.
See how 5VC can power you and your teams to unrivaled growth and performance;
See how you can partner with Ignite to bring 5VC to schools, corporations, SMEs and LGUs all over the country. This is one of our major KPIs in 2024-- to build partnerships (think franchising!) that bring 5VC FITNESS to every corner of Filipino society.
Fund 30 of PH’s Most Ignited
January was also our public unveiling of IGNITE VC 2024: our quest to find and fund 30 of the country’s most Ignited founders, targeting to be the first money in and invest PHP5-10MM per founder in the next 18-24 months.
Here are the 3 most important finds we’re looking to invest in:
1) Founders who are obsessed with solving important problems at scale (where revenue and customers grow much faster and bigger than costs).
2) Founders who are obsessed with customer impact (where everything they do is built around continuously solving customer pains).
3) Founders who are obsessed with being great at execution and culture (because this is how they’re going to keep great people happy and full).
If you’re our kind of founder, we will invest in either of 2 scenarios:
1) Your venture was birthed as a rocket ship (to achieve massive scale within 3-5 years).
2) You’re currently a steady ship that can be transformed into a rocket ship. A steady ship is a solid business that is currently profitable (or can be within the next 6-12 months) and has a great product that delights customers in ways that are important to them.
Rocket ship or steady ship, we invest when we see that our Ignite capital, including our 5VC (5 Cycles of Virtuous Capital) can drive 10-100X++ growth in your venture.
Want to explore an investment from Ignite? Pls message us here and tell us what you have in mind. We’ll pick it up from there.
That’s all for now. Let’s keep igniting.
Andre A. Yap February 2024
Joana Alberto is a CoFounder and Managing Partner of Ignite House of Innovations and Ni2, the National Innovators Initiative to power 100,000 Filipino innovators by 2023. She’s also the Managing Director of the Guild by Ni2, a dedicated team that focuses on career and OJT acceleration of college students and fresh grads at scale. The space that she holds is all about nurturing individuals to drive peak performance by discovering Ignite GPS (Genius, Purpose, Service) our personal navigation system that leads us to fulfill our highest potential, under Ignite Centre for Peak Experiences.
Before joining Ignite, Joana served the aviation industry for almost three decades while thriving in the field of entrepreneurship — from designing and manufacturing her own line of arts and crafts to selling dry goods, managing a flower shop and being an events designer, and never leaving out her social responsibility via community service. She was never content with just being employed.
“I’ve had many twists and turns in a career that has brought me to hundreds of cities all over the world, first as a flight attendant and cabin manager, then in HQ. After 27 years in aviation, I clipped my wings, and packed the manuscript that I worked on for 4 years entitled, #Metamorphosis: The Ultimate Makeover Manual for 40-Year Olds and Beyond, along with my certifications on wellness coaching and various healing modalities. In a matter of months, I went from wearing two hats in the airline, managing inflight performance while designing and delivering leadership programs to 120 nationalities, to leaving all that and holing up in India for a month – to learn yoga, find myself, reinvent my future.”
I was 47 then, a wife and mother who had spent the best years of my life flying in and out of my family’s life. I had been an expat for so long. I was finally coming home to Manila with a new career in corporate wellness. I thought that was it, my final chapter, time to get settled before entering my golden era.
But no.
A wise friend once asked me… Joana, you’ve been in a perfect storm! You’re an extreme empath and you’ve met, served and managed so many more people from so many more countries in 27 years than most people do in 3 lifetimes: those dreams and pains and wants of so many people must have a way of sticking on you, haunting you, no?
Yes, exactly; they’ve haunted me.“
Before I jumped into corporate, I designed a program for Filipina overseas workers – for people and pain I know so well. I designed a 6-month journey that would help them create their Dream Life Masterplan. I included all the right things I did and didn’t do, all the research and study, trial and error, consulting friends and experts, and sleepless nights in search for my truth. So OFWs long separated from their families can speed up their coming home — prepared. Well, my Dream Life Masterplan never reached a single soul. My intention was pure and noble. But I was alone for a huge mission.
Fast forward to 2017. A friend invited me to an Ignite gathering and I was never the same again. I found my space, found my missing pieces, found my partners and team. And I found the Ignite GPS: Genius, Purpose, Service. It was my finally embracing my own GPS that really put me on a new journey and challenge: to take care of people beyond wellness, so they can be whole – so they can live their deepest truth and so fulfill their highest potential and greatest promise. That’s what I found in the Ignite GPS.
Today, Joana is leading a team of Gen Z’s to launch a human + app coached program to help colleges students find clarity in their life-career direction. She also just launched the pilot project of her startup —which partners with farm owners to create viable and sustainable ventures that support agri-eco tourism, farm based co-creation opportunities, tech guided wellness experiences and socio-economic development initiatives. At the rate she’s going, nothing can stop her from founding more winning innovations in the next coming years. A genuine Iska — a graduate of the University of the Philippines, her mission no doubt is to make an impact on the lives of her kabayans, dreaming to make her country a better place.
Andre Yap is the founder and CEO of Ignite House of Innovation, which invests and operates in venture capital, technology, media, education, healthcare, energy, hospitality, food, agri, HR and enterprise solutions.
Andre also serves as Executive Chairman of Ni2, The Philippines’ National Innovators Initiative to power 100,000 Filipino Innovators across key sectors of society. Ni2 is a public-private partnership with national and local governments, business and non-profit organizations, and the academe.
As a serial founder and startup investor, Andre built Ignite House to be an innovator for innovators – to R&D, build, operate and continuously invest in proprietary systems, platforms, programs and technologies in order to nurture, scale and sustain innovation capabilities, open collaborations and disruptive opportunities uniting key sectors of society (business, education, socio-civic, government, startups, investors), with the vision of establishing the Filipino as a uniquely disruptive force in global innovation.
Ignite’s mission is deeply personal to Andre: to build and invest in transcendent ventures by building up and investing in transcendent founders and teams, advancing his core belief that innovation is the business (i.e., building sustainable operating models) of solving society’s wicked problems. In 2018 Andre authored the Ignite Manifesto and has relentlessly pushed its growth as an Operating System that has helped thousands of individuals and teams channel deeply personal GPS (Genius, Purpose, Service) into shared Mission and Collaboration, into Innovation and Impact.
Andre was born and raised in Manila and educated by the Jesuits and the Opus Dei, before moving onto the US, where he earned 3 degrees (Yale, Fordham, NYU) and lived for 15 years. In 2009, based on his pioneering work with CUBED (“Cube Ed”), the Center for University-Based Enterprise & Development, which Andre founded as an innovation accelerator and ecosystem in the state of Connecticut, the US Government granted Andre the status of Permanent Resident on the Basis of Exceptional Ability in the National Interest of the United States of America.
Nevertheless, Andre’s heart remains fully in the Philippines, where he wants to do his best work and most meaningful impact. He has called Manila home again since 2011, when he moved back with his wife and their 2 dazzling boys.
“I’ve pursued my career as a series of ventures and adventures… it’s a path that doesn’t look or feel like any other, that rarely ever really feels like work… precisely by challenging established norms, relentlessly going out of my box and into many other boxes, appreciating how seemingly disparate realities tie together, threading constellations where others barely even see the dots.”
From choosing Yale for its public-private management focus and then following it up with a second Masters in Interactive Marketing at NYU; to deciding against the post-MBA rush into investment banking or management consulting so that I can start the YGroupe and really understand the leverage in my New York, New Haven, Manila connections; to starting CUBED despite my perfectly zero knowledge of tech, incubators or the academe; to choosing to come home to Manila despite CUBED’s success and the US government’s offer of Permanent Residence; to the long and winding road of ventures, investments and partnerships that have now led to the National Innovators Initiative and cross-sector collaborations, not just across industries, but tying together national and local governments and hundreds of schools and MSMEs. I’ve really enjoyed the thrill of going into frontier space that I know nothing about, that no one knows anything about, and making sense and structure out of all that chaos and ambiguity – building value, outcomes, impact where nothing but deep need existed.
“Innovation: that’s what many people call it. For me, I see myself as an artist no less than Da Vinci or Picasso – business is my canvas and if I’m honest and brave there is no other way to paint but my way. Above all, I see innovation as my humbling participation in God’s ongoing work of creation – to help make things new and better all the time and to share that fire and capacity for renewal with everyone I meet. As we say, to ignite all we touch to live their deepest truth and so fulfill their highest potential and greatest promise— for joy, meaning, success, and impact; a life fully-lived.”